We Want to Stay Ahead of the Game When Helping You With Your Nitrogen

Jun 19, 2019

Field Forecasting Tool

At CFS, we have been trialing a crop modeling tool, the R7 Field Forecasting Tool, that takes into account planting date and current and forecasted weather conditions to provide an estimate of how much nitrogen you may need to supplement to meet your yield goals. The tool’s recommendations update daily based on field conditions to best reflect your crop’s yield potential.
For example, these recommendations can help you identify when nitrogen levels are sufficient, potential yield loss/increase when managed correctly, and is calibrated in-season with a tissue sample! The Field Forecasting Tool lets you run scenarios that show what you can expect if you apply various inputs.
The image below shows a scenario from a field south of Mankato, with Croplan 4199SS planted on May 14th, currently at the V4 growth stage, and had about 90 pounds/acre of N applied preplant. Right now, the scenario is modeling 7 different N rates (including cost of N, corn price, and application price) every day for the next 5 days, and reports the potential ROI and yield increase. For this specific situation, the model is calling for higher N rates, with a similar response for every day if the application occurs this week.
This tool comes in handy to compile all of the unique weather we have experienced this year, and produces insights that we can use alongside NitrateNow to make the best N decision for your farm. Contact your CFS representative if you’d like to see what the model is telling us on your field!

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Highlights as of 5/16:
Planting and weather conditions are the name of the game currently. With planting progress looking very favorable and the weather forecast showing above normal temps and below normal precipitation for much of the corn belt all signs point to very good planting conditions. With that, we gave up yesterday’s gains on old crop and put in some new lows on December corn.