The Winning Acre Club

Feb 03, 2020

Dylan Barth, Growth Specialist

In the same way that CFS does, our member-owners are always striving to learn and improve. For those that grow row crops, this typically means striving for extra bushels in the grain tank. In the spirit of learning, improving, and a splash of competition, CFS is rolling out the “Winning Acre Club” for 2020.

The Winning Acre Club is a yield competition group for CFS member-owners. It is free to enter, and there will be winners by region in addition to an overall winner. Listed below are a few goals for this program.
1.) Experiment and learn with our growers about yield-enhancing programs.
2.) Utilize Central Advantage and Ag Technology to improve yields and get a return on investment.
3.) Recognize growers we work with on their accomplishments

The Winning Acre Club will provide those who sign up with an opportunity to do the things that have brought success and try new things they’ve been considering. The program will culminate with a banquet post-harvest for all involved. The banquet will include time for networking and discussion, a meal and a short awards ceremony.

Keep an eye out for more details to come! If you’re interested in more information or would like to join the group, reach out to Dylan Barth at

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