Soybean Trait Platforms

Jan 16, 2020

Kerry Dittbenner, Regional Sales Agronomist

When choosing a soybean, farmers have several trait platforms to consider. Disease tolerance and other genetic characteristics are important factors to consider to ensure it fits your soil type. Weed control and herbicide-tolerant traits are valuable tools to control herbicide-resistant weeds. Here is a quick look at some of the common soybean trait platforms.

Roundup Ready 1. This platform has been phased out of most breeding programs when the Roundup Ready 2 platform was released. These two platforms are tolerant to glyphosate- Roundup.

Roundup Ready 2 Xtend - is tolerant of Glyphosate and Dicamba. This platform is the most common and was well over half of the soybeans grown in the United States in 2019.

Xtendflex (Bayer's next trait platform) is tolerant of Glyphosate, Glufosinate-Liberty, and dicamba. Xtendflex is awaiting import approval from the EU, which is expected to happen in 2020.

Liberty Link is tolerant of Glufosinate-Liberty herbicide. Liberty is the only option to be applied to these.

LL GT27 is tolerant of Glufosinate, Glyphosate, and an HPPD herbicide that is not registered with EPA yet. BASF owns the Liberty and LL GT27 platforms.

Enlist E3 is tolerant of Glyphosate, Glufosinate, and 2,4-D. Enlist received final import approvals last spring and had a limited commercial launch for the 2019 season. Enlist One herbicide is 2,4-D choline and Enlist Duo is a Glyphosate mixed with 2,4-D choline. It is not legal to apply any other 2,4-D containing products to Enlist beans. The enlist website will provide the products which can be tank-mixed, the approved nozzles, and other regulations required to apply to Enlist products.  

Reach out to your local Central Farm Services Agronomist if you have additional questions on which soybean platform is right for your fields. 

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