Protect your Investment with Seed Treatments
Nov 25, 2018

Using a seed treatment is a way to protect your it from the weather, insects, nematodes, and disease.
It's important to know your pests. Are you trying to protect your crop from disease, insects, nematodes, or all three? Diseases can thrive in a variety of weather conditions. Using a seed treatment containing different products or combinations of products will protect the seed and seedling from diseases.
Sudden death syndrome (SDS) caused by a race of Fusarium. This fusarium is documented to be contained in and transmitted by soybean cyst nematodes. If you have a field with a history of SDS, it will never go away. Key ways of managing SDS are:
- Proper variety selection
- Reduced soil compaction
- Reduced soybean cyst populations
- Certain seed treatments.
Don’t forget the inoculant. These live bacteria work with the roots to create nodules that fix nitrogen from the air. Soybeans use 3.8 pounds of nitrogen for every bushel removed. Example, 70-bushel beans remove 266 pounds of the N in the grain and 75 to 80 pounds in the stover.
Seed treatments can help with uniform stand establishment. At the Truman Answer plot, there was a 21,000-plant population difference in the side by side trial.
If you are unsure about which seed treatment is right for your operation?
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