Concerns on Generic Herbicides

Mar 02, 2020

Irv Arndt, CFS Growth Specialist

There are many different choices of generic herbicides out there that one can use to get weed control. I get questioned all the time - “There are many different choices of generic herbicides out there that one can use to get weed control. I get questioned all the time - “Why don’t you recommend a generic herbicide instead of the more expensive branded product?” My answer to this has always been that the generic will probably work but there are times it will not work as well or cause other issues. My biggest concerns are crop safety, mixing, the active ingredient, inert ingredients, and product support. Crop safety is my biggest concern because if there is an issue you may never know what you have lost. The emergence of crops followed by long-lasting injury creates additional unneeded stress. Companies spend a lot on finding out what to put in a product to keep even mixing throughout the tank mix and when the product is applied, getting the most herbicide in the plant. Sometimes there is not a lot of regulation on products coming in from generic suppliers for quality and effectiveness. Make sure you are comparing the same rates of active ingredients.
 You can probably get by with generics if you are willing to accept some additional risk. The biggest concern that I have is not knowing what you lost in yield and no support if issues arise. Therefore, we have stuck with the branded platform. I realize you can save money on the cheaper products and understand that it all adds up. I have seen several issues with everything discussed in this article and the risk outweighs the reward.

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