Welcome Mason Brown to the CFS Agronomy Team!

Jun 04, 2024

Welcome Mason Brown to the CFS Agronomy Team! 🌟

Central Farm Service (CFS) is thrilled to welcome Mason Brown, a 2024 Blooming Prairie High School graduate, to our team. Mason joins us through the CFS Career Path Program, which offers cross-training opportunities and college tuition assistance, providing a fantastic start to a career in agriculture.

"This is a great opportunity for students to gain work experience, additional time to decide on a career path, and then tuition assistance to help them achieve it," states Dawn Abel, CFS Sr. Vice President of Human Resources.
Mason was recognized by members of Steele Co Works at the CFS Blooming Prairie Agronomy location on May 4, 2024, where he signed his work contract. Todd Polkow, CFS Agronomy Operations Manager, and Ryan Prestegard, CFS Agronomy Location Manager, were present to welcome him.
His role will be multi-functional, and he will receive training across the CFS enterprise to become a Cooperative Service Professional with a custom applicator focus. We are excited to support Mason as he begins his journey with CFS and looks forward to a bright future in agriculture.
#CFSpride #AgronomyTeam #WelcomeMason #CareerPath #Agriculture #BloomingPrairieHS

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