2020.09.02 Growing Insights

Sep 02, 2020

Conditions Update
Crop progress across MN from the week ending August 30th, 2020 has corn conditions at 27% excellent (29% last week), 52% good (53%), 15% fair (14%), and 6% poor/very poor (2%). Soybean conditions are at 23% excellent (24% last week), 57% good (58%), 15% fair (14%), and 5% poor/very poor (4%).

The average 100 RM hybrid takes about 2400 GDU’s to black layer, which is not that far away based on southern MN planting dates and the heat we had last week! If corn is at ½ milk line, it needs about 200 GDU’s to get to physiological maturity, or 8-12 days. If corn is at ¾ milk line, in needs only about 100 GDU’s or a week to get to black layer!
Sudden Death Syndrome
The cool and early start to soybean planting this year was favorable for yield, but Sudden Death Syndrome in soybeans has been showing up the last few weeks. Even though it is spotty, it is an important disease to keep in mind when thinking about your soybean crop 2 years from now. The fungus Fusarium virguliforme causes SDS, and presents itself with interveinal chlorosis and eventually necrosis while the veins stay green. As the disease gets worse, plants often drop their leaves with the petioles still attached. SDS can be easily confused with Brown Stem Rot as the foliar symptoms are very similar.

The fusarium fungus that causes SDS does overwinter in the crop residue and soil, and can carry over through the rotation to infect the next soybean crop. SDS infects soybean roots early in the season, even though the foliar symptoms are shown later in the year.
Infection of SDS is often worse with cool and wet soil conditions at planting, early planting dates, and higher levels of compaction increase the risk of SDS.

There is no soybean variety that is completely resistance to SDS, but the best management strategy is to plant the most resistance soybean variety available! Spraying a foliar fungicide is not effective in control, but using a seed treatment like Ilevo or Saltro have shown the ability to reduce SDS severity and protect yield.

More attention has been on the relationship between Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) and SDS. It has been studied for years with inconsistent results. Some studies have shown positive associations, where more severe SDS symptoms occur when SCN is present, while other studies report weak or no association between SDS symptom development in the presence of SCN. Part of the theory is that root damage caused by SCN makes the plants more vulnerable to SDS infection. Effective SCN management has the potential to reduce some SDS symptoms.

Visualizing Soybean Maturity
Soybeans continue to get closer to dropping leaves and nearing maturity. Below is a graphic that comes in handy to explain the differences in growth stages, days to maturity, seed moisture and what the yield loss would be if defoliation (hail) would occur.

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Highlights as of 5/16:
Planting and weather conditions are the name of the game currently. With planting progress looking very favorable and the weather forecast showing above normal temps and below normal precipitation for much of the corn belt all signs point to very good planting conditions. With that, we gave up yesterday’s gains on old crop and put in some new lows on December corn.