Ascend® Pro and Ascend® SL

Mar 17, 2020

Don Naatz, CFS Agronomy Sales/Location Manager C.C.A.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with what these products are, they are Plant Growth Regulators (PGR's). Many manufacturers offer these in different forms. Central Farm Service has been recommending the Ascend® products from Winfield United® for several years now along with liquid starters to help with early plant development. 

This year we will be transitioning to Ascend® Pro in-furrow. The new formulation includes three growth regulators that support cell division, leaf expansion, and root formation.  It also contains a proprietary amino acid derivative to help optimize performance across conditions, making it more consistent in varying environments. We will continue to recommend Ascend® SL for foliar applications. There are many similar products in the marketplace. However, I am highlighting these Windfield United® products because they are patented and have gone through the E.P.A approval process. Winfield United® has done extensive research through it's over 200 nationwide Answer Plot System. Here at Central Farm Service, we have also been able to gather a lot of data that supports efficacy and ROI. 

As a grower, I would ask for the data when considering a competitive product, so you know what you are getting. There are cheaper alternatives out there, but as the old saying goes, "You get what you pay for"! 

Below is data from Winfield United® and our CFS Central Advantage GS® program. If you have not been using a product like Ascend® Pro or Ascend® SL, be sure to reach out to your Central Farm Service Agronomist to find out how to get started on your farm today!

Starter Product - 2015-2019 CA All Corn Summary Report
Starter Product Sites Observations Std Dev Yield Average Yield Area
10-34-0 + Zinc + Ascend 3211 23219220 34.56 209.90 305942.75
10-34-0 + Ascend 29 324876 36.12 206.72 3089.40
10-34-0 + Zinc 854 714459 33.48 204.05 8276.05
None 1157 7699531 41.19 201.87 97122.41


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